Thursday, January 21

Call of Duty

( Australian Mike Amor, a news crew member, giving water to a little girl rescued from the rubble in Port-au-Prince. )
The most heart-warming news I have heard in a while came amidst one of the most devastating incidents – the earthquake in Haiti and its after effects  results in one more earthquake, which has cost an estimated 200,000 lives. Given the scale of death and destruction in Port-au-Prince, it is not surprising that the media has flooded the Haitian capital, documenting each detail as the catastrophe unfolds. Indeed, it is the most news-worthy incident in recent times. For that reason, I was overwhelmed when I came across a certain rescue incident involving Australian media crews.
On Monday, an Australian News crew rescued an 18-month-old baby from underneath the rubble, signifying that at times life comes before the job of a journalist.
Richard Moran, a cameraman with the commercial Nine Network, put down his camera and lifted pieces of concrete out of the way while Nine’s interpreter and fixer Deiby Celestino climbed into the tangled mess to retrieve the child.
“And then, out of the ruins came this little girl, and I will never forget it. She did not cry. She looked astonished, almost as if she was seeing the world for the first time,” Nine reporter Robert Penfold told The Australian.

I am sharing this part of news because I found its so humane  like this demand sensitive measures, when the call of duty is more about saving lives then making headlines.

i remember the KASHMIR earthquake in Pakistan, when during reconstruction work, workers found a 56 years old lady "ALIVE" after 90 days of earthquake.

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