Saturday, July 20
Thursday, February 3
A.M.E.R.I.C.A.N. T.E.R.R.O.R.I.S.M.
In past and present Pakistan blamed to be named as Terrorist. But the martyr of three innocent Pakistanis from an American hand, what we going to call this? Isn’t a sheer act of terrorism?
Well, when I discuss with my family and friends everyone has same piece of opinion, Raymond Davis is a terrorist and he did spread terrorism in the streets of Pakistan. Now let’s analyze the whole scenario,
We know Americans have great penetration not in our politics but in all ISLAMIC countries politics.
We know War of terrorism isn’t our war its and American war.
We also know they are afraid of ISLAMIC system so that they raise the voices for democracy.
We know when America gives their favor; in return they demand the rule of law of their choice in the country.
We know all elected leaders are not real democratic leaders.
We know BLACK WATER is in our land.
We know MRS DR AFIA SADDIQUE; a PAKISTANI is innocent but sentence for 80 years prison just because America wants to hide its shame less act of Afghanistan JAIL.
We know in Pakistan our leader have their sincerity only with America.
We know those entire persons killed in DRONE acts were innocent and were not terrorists but Americans are.
We know TWIN TOWER attack was a planned attack by JEWS and Americans.
We know we are innocent.
We know who is real terrorist in our land
what we don’t know is we have conscience,
we have voices to raise against injustice,
we have ability to be united, we have honesty to serve,
we have love to share and care, we have eye to see the vultures in our country,
we really don’t know what we have and have not.
This is sad because nation never work on such trails in which loyalties are auctioned on the price of innocent lives. We have to stand against all these inequalities and American penetration. It’s high time, it’s high time, and it’s high time, before we got late. We don’t need Egyptian revolution we need revolution of HONESTY, SINCERITY AND TRUTHFULNESS. So, all those super powers who want to suppress us will never see such thing even in their dreams. We have to lift up as MUSLIM NATION and prove our country to be ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN, which was only freed for the rule of law of ALLAH.
Please don’t devote yourselves but also devote your souls for your country.
Monday, December 27
Extended Visualization and Attitudes
The day before yesterday I was watching a movie "alive", which was made in 1993 based on true story of survival. How they met extreme condition of weather and how they manage to remain energetic. The story had too deep emotional contact with my neuron transmitters that I could not come out from its effect. This is also true that I laugh when they laugh and I caught my breath when they were in dilemmas. Film was awesome and acting and those actors were great in their talent. I was deeply touched by circumstances and care.
Now the question must arise in minds that why I am discussing this thing and feeling?
Is that only because I found the movie good and awesome? Or else is the acting talent?
Well let me tell you I am discussing this piece of my experience because they survived from extreme conditions because they were all together, they were resolute, they were helping hand and more over they were like a unit.
When I see my land my beloved PAKISTAN I see same hard and I must say severe conditions that my homeland going through with. Like The Electricity load shedding, Gas load shedding, water low loads, and more off that the daily growth in bread and butter prices. I don’t know why my people don’t understand the need of time? Why don’t they realize the cost of unity? Why don’t they made a human chain and alarm the all elite demagogues who don’t know the meaning of winter nights without any heating system as they were in their luxurious livings!
I simply cannot understand why my people don’t hear their inner voice rather the noise of political leaders who don’t even give them a right to tough, and block the traffic for hours, for the public on the name of security?
What kind of security they want from the same people to whom they call companions at time of elections? Think and consider kindly just imagine for a minute why they are doing this? They daily squeezed the neck rope of execution on their people, people were dying daily with their families because they don’t eat for weeks, they find suicide more easy on living, people were kidnapped for heavy ransom, mobiles snatched in every area, conditions of living going on alarming range, but our leader don’t even care. Because they were not loyal not a ruling party even all other parties. They are businessman. They sell my land and earn their living. They are garbage and junk of nation.
Attention please! If we want to live and lead at least a normal life we have to be united, we have to be clear on our wants, we have to have get rid of traitors, we have to stand against society evils, we have to prove to be soul Muslims, we have to get back to our holy book our QURAN.
The Alive team faced harsh conditions but they maintain their breathing because they were in their high spirits, they were strong and they were together and bonded. We have to be same resolute and determined for the betterment of our present and future. We are youth we can mold our future with our sincere hard work and with our honest leadership, which could be started from our house to the parliaments and to the far and near corner or our country.
Our founder Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah said:
“Pakistan not only means freedom and independence but the Muslim Ideology which has to be preserved, which has come to us as a precious gift and treasure and which, we hope other will share with us”
Message to Frontier Muslim Students Federation
June 18, 1945
Message to Frontier Muslim Students Federation
June 18, 1945
We have to work for this dream we have to works and prove ourselves. We have to show and develop Islamic nation on the true pillars of Islam. But first we have to value the gift of PAKISTAN and the bloodshed for the sacrifice of our freedom.
It’s high time we have to prove to be a living nation.
(25 December 1876- 11 September 1948)
Thursday, December 9
"Facebook's naked face*
For Face-book users updating their statuses or posting family pictures is for their select friends list but according to new report the information most people believe is private is actually being used by Israel to profile people and spy on them to obtain valuable information.
According to "reliable" sources quoted in France-based, Israƫl Magazine, Israeli intelligence focuses mainly on Arab and Muslim users and uses the information obtained through their Face-book pages to analyze their activities and understand how they think.
The extensive report allegedly ruffled some feathers in the Israeli government and diplomatic circles and Israel's ambassador to Paris accused the magazine of “making classified information available to the enemy.”

Gerard Niroux -- French professor
“It is an intelligence network made up of Israeli psychologists who lure youths from the Arab world, especially from countries located within the range of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in addition to countries in Latin America," Niroux, who is the author of a book called The Dangers of the Internet, said.
Niroux said a huge number of men use the networking website to meet women and warned this was unsafe as it is the best way to lure men and find their weak points.
“It is very easy to spy on men using women,” he told the magazine.
This is not the first time Israel has been accused of using Facebook to spy on people and in April 2008 Jordanian paper al-Haqiqa al-Dawliya published an article entitled "The Hidden Enemy" making the same claims.
The paper said it was dangerous because people, especially the youth, often reveal intimate and personal details about themselves on Facebook and similar online communities, making them easy targets for people looking in.
The fact that Israel uses Facebook to spy on Arabs is not just confined to media reports, but it is a general sentiment shared by people in the region.
People have been working as spies without realizing it, the report said, adding by just logging in to a chat room and talking about anything with someone he does not know is enough to do the job.
Any information revealed will be analyzed and used at a later stage.
Israel has a long history of espionage in the Middle East. During the 1956, 1967 and 1973 wars, Israel used to thoroughly examine the obituary pages in Arab newspapers, leading the Egyptian army to ban publishing obituaries of military personnel.
Analyzing the content of Egyptian papers also played a major role in planning for the 1967 war, according to Israeli media reports, adding the war actually started as Egyptian newspapers ran a story that several army officers of different ranks would be having breakfast together at 9:00 a.m. on June 5, 1967, the day Israel attacked Egypt.
(Translated from Arabic by Sonia Farid)
media reports,
Saturday, November 6
Attitudes towards Realism
Why it’s always been difficult to write for me. May be i had lots of things in my mind and can’t find the starting knot or perhaps haphazardly mingled our neurological stimulus with our heart feelings. But why I am discussing I guess that’s the situation which I always face when I start writing something.
Well today an unusual question came in front of me_ my elder brother asked why you are not happy with life. I was really stunned or answer less. That’s true I am not satisfied but I wonder stuck how he estimated that what I think of my own. I never had been sad either gloomy for others. Well i was bewildered, perplex, and too confused but now I have answer. I always been fair with others or else I tried to be, I tried not to hurt and well avoid lies. Believe me I have had to face many negative attitudes for that but I can’t change. My elder used to say or teach me that in this world you should have to be little manipulated with thing, attitudes matters persons even with own feelings. You can’t be straight forward in expressing. You should understand what other wants to hear or what you should say.
And all these stuff, ohhh! It’s so hard on my nerve. I really want to get rid such double face people. For sake of thought imagine same thing happen to us, like we had been manipulated by others, so devastating I guess. But what, we have had to live in such environment. People all over the planet have same typical requirements. Being optimistic, some day behaviors will revolutionize and I presume it could take a little longer time but yet attainable. So till then keep smiling keep dreaming and be happy always
.Wednesday, November 3
B@cK! B@cK! B@cK! B@cK!
After a long time I am back on my blog. During past few months it had been really tough as some of our family relations were badly affected by flood, but now by the grace of ALLAH (God) they are settle now.
I don’t know why but sometimes when we start losing hope, then we really did saw such strong resolute person that we again retain our optimism. I always had lots of ups and downs in my life or else more down and few land mark ups which supported me for long. Whenever I became pessimist ALLAH (God) shows HIS all grace and gave me boost for a new day. As I couldn’t continue my study in chemistry which is still my favorite subject, as lack of finances, and I did my graduation privately in those subjects which I never know. Well the good thing is I cleared my graduation without any teacher guidance, and I suppose I did well. And the best thing is I am Graduate now. And I really want to share this with all my friends. I am happy, cheerful, joyful, and jovial or I guess I am in my high spirits of wonderful feelings.
Really it’s so relaxing to share feeling with all other. I really want to thank my too dear reader Judy Harper for her concern. Thanks really I always need such caring friends, you are good and nice. I really had very few friends who know the true essence of relations and Judy you are one.
And I am happy or happier.
Thursday, August 5
~Pakistan in nature's big catastrophe~
(An aerial view shows the flooded village of Kot Addu in Pakistan’s Punjab province August 4, 2010. After wrecking Pakistan’s northwest, the worst floods in 80 years swept through Punjab – Reuters Photo )
As fresh rains fell Thursday, bloated rivers gushed toward southern Sindh province, where hundreds of thousands of the most impoverished Pakistanis live along the water because of its fertility and because it is cheaper than safer ground.
“Rains have weakened the protective walls and embankments (along the river). It was difficult to get the people to move from their places because they were not willing to leave.”
An aerial view from a military helicopter showed that a vast area between Multan and Muzaffargarh cities looked like a large lake, with the occasional dead cow floating by.
Manuel Bessler, the UN’s humanitarian chief in Pakistan, said at least 4.2 million people were affected, and that the potential for waterborne diseases was worrisome.
“We are facing a disaster of major proportions,” Bessler told reporters in Geneva by telephone. “Even a week after the disaster we don’t have all the details. Roads are washed away. Bridges are destroyed. Whole areas are completely isolated and only accessible by air.”
Pakistan standing all the way surrounded by the century's big flood. We need prayers and more human efforts so the millions and millions of lives which were effected by flood across Pakistan can get back to their normal living.
May ALLAH help us all in the time of crisis.
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