Monday, January 18

SoMe SaYs..........

some says they love rain
but when it rains they use an umbrella.....

some says they love sun,
but when the sun shine they reach for shades

some says they love the wind
but when its windy they close their windows

that's why i get scared when people says


JudyH329 said...

Is this one of your poems? I had another thought, maybe people love to watch the rain and sun, just don't like being out in it. I love a sunny day, but under a shade. I love the rain, but sitting on a porch or looking out watching. So would that mean then, if people say they love you, they mean it? I have really enjoyed watching you grow since the first time I lucked upon your site. That is one of the rewards of mentoring/helping someone. To watch them grow, knowing they'll pass on to someone else what they're learning. Which you are.

Anonymous said...

Very orginal thoughts in your beautiful poem. To love someone you must experience the whole person and not just at a safe distance.
Thanks for visiting my site about dreams.

sheeza said...


your point is brilliant. and this isn't my poem..this a a thought which i read and resembles my mind and share with all.

thanks for your nice comments

sheeza said...


thank u :-)

Thousif Raza said...

are some lines girl really, i mean really i am figthing for words when i read them, simple yet to the point ....

take care and keep writing.........

sheeza said...

Thousif Raza@

oh nice to see u again....:-)

and thanks